Introduction to Drawing at UDC 2018-today
Digital Imaging at UDC 2018-today
Figure Drawing and Advanced Figure Drawing at UDC 2018-today
Introduction and Advanced Ceramic at UDC 2018-today
Interdisciplinary Art I and II at UDC 2018-today
Introduction and Advance Sculpture at UDC 2018-today
Art and New Technologies at UDC 2018-today
Advanced Computer Simulation and Graphic at UDC 2018-today
Additive Manufacturing Processes at CUA 2019-2022
Additive Manufacturing Systems at CUA 2019-2022
Metals and Metalsmithing at GWU Corcoran School of Arts & Design, 2015-2018
Augmented Interior & Architecture at CUA School of Architecture & Planning, Spring 2018
Architecture Foundation (ARPL 102) at CUA School of Architecture & Planning, 2016/2017.
Introduction to Digital Fabrication at CUA School of Architecture & Planning, 2016-2018
Metalsmithing Workshop at NOVA Department of Art Annandale Campus, 2017.
Sculpture and New Technologies at GWU Corcoran School of Arts & Design, 2015-2016
Metals and Metalsmithing at Corcoran School of Arts & Design, 2012-2014.
Drawing at GWU Corcoran School of Arts & Design, 2012-2014.
Intro to 3D Printing at GWU Corcoran School of Arts & Design, 2012-2014.
Fundamentals II Sculpture at Corcoran School of Arts & Design, 2012-2014.
Process and Generation at Corcoran School of Arts & Design, 2012-2014.
Fabrication in metal and Alternative Materials at Corcoran School of Arts & Design, Fall 2013
Resources at Corcoran School of Arts & Design, 2014.
Introduction to Building information Modeling (Revit) at Montgomery College Continuing Education, Spring 2013/2014.
Art and Wine at Montgomery College Continuing Education, Spring 2014.
Intro to Art at PGCC, Fall 2013, Spring 2013, Fall 2014, Spring 2014 .
3D Modeling and Animation at PGCC, Fall 2013, Spring 2013.
Drawing at PGCC, Fall 2013, Spring 2013, Fall 2014, Spring 2014 .
Ceramic at PGCC, Fall 2012, Spring 2012.